do you respond to comments that Testers are simply failed Developers and QA is
a 2nd rate IT practice? I am not sure there is a
more politically incorrect, offensive, small-minded and divisive
statement in IT and across the software community....
If you look at the IT history of
Enterprise QA (post-Mainframe and pre-Modern - i.e. before Cloud / SOA /
Open-Standards / Open-Source / Virtualization / Automation / Agile / DevOps), what you would
see is a 30+ year sprawl of non-standards IT and non-compatible technology. I call it the era of...
- - proprietary platforms/products/tools,
- - intentional vendor-lock designs,
- - exclusivity-driven optimization
- - industry-driven political non-compatibility.
Silo innovation came with a heavy IT price tag! There
was religious-like enthusiasm with different IT disciplines in their silos as
they explored and promoted "self-serving silo-specific optimization" and specialty practices
with little or no regard for the impact (or additional costs it would eventually have) on other IT disciplines or
its performance impact on the interdependent IT infrastructure, support or businesses it was supposes to served.
- Project's risk and business benefit factors...
- Developer teams past skills, re-usable resources, expertise, success...
- Project size, methodology, timeline and legacy-orientation,
- Operations and Deployment's standardization on Cloud, Virtualization, Automaton, etc.
- IT service and business impact potential and needs (short & long-term).