The Vivit Virtual Customers Days were a huge success and recordings of all sessions and live Q&A sessions are now available for viewing. Recordings are only viewable by Vivit members so spread the word to your fellow colleagues to Join Vivit so that they too can have access to this informative Application Delivery Management and IT Operations Management product information from the experts.
You must be signed in to the Vivit website to view the complete session videos and live Q&A. If you don't remember your username or password, you can use the automated password reset request. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any issues signing in.
Finally, take our quick Virtual Customer Days survey and enter in a drawing for a chance to win an Amazon gift card.
“Keynote: Digital Evolution with Micro Focus DevOps”
“Ask ADM Anything Roundtable”
“Partner Keynote: Digital - Redefining Business and IT. A Look at How Trends are Affecting Enterprises”
“Roundtable: Real-world Solutions Using Micro Focus That Drive Strategic Outcomes”
“Ask ADM Anything Partner/Customer Roundtable”
“Micro Focus ALM Octane: DevOps Management & Integration for Continuous Delivery and Quality”
“How to Adapt and Thrive in an Omni-channel World”
“Testing as a Service Platform Model: Silver Bullet Meets Red Herring in Utopiaville”
“Testing as a Service Platform Model” (Bonus Material)
“Secrets of Test Automation: Identify Objects on the Fly with the Magic Object Model”
“Journey to DevOps, Touching Upon Areas Where Micro Focus Can Help Customers Shine”